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client appreciation dinner
01/13/05 ~ 11:50 a.m.

tonight my work is hosting a client appreciation dinner. what that means to be is that i have to go straight from work to a golf club, help set up, sign cleints in, and schmooze. but i also get perks... namely, a DELICIOUS salmon dinner, a few hours overtime pay, and also david gets to come. it's an image thing, for our sig. others to be there. so yeah, it won't be so bad, except that i won't get home until about 10.

last night was my first nutrition class. i really like this teacher as well, and although the class format is slightly boring (projector slides and we take notes), i found myself LOVING the subject matter. plus i know a lot of that stuff, just from my own journey with weightloss. but i will learn a LOT more about why my body reacts to certain things. and as i become closer and closer to becoming a dietician, i should become a much healthier person myself, and i'll help others do the same. i'm really excited. and this is good, because i think i've found a passion that i can do for a career. :)

course, i felt guilty that for dinner i snagged some panda express right before class. not the healthiest choice. ah, well.

i've finished most of my work for the day, which pretty much sucks because i have to try to look busy if possible. i think i'll run a few client lists and do some general account maintainance.

ooh, and told me the camera setting to use to take pictures of things like engagement rings. it's the setting with the tulip. it's so cool, when you use it, the camera SUPER FOCUSES in and makes little beep-beep-beep sounds, and then takes a totally clear picture. it's awesome! so next time i see brooke, i'll re-take photos for her. i'm sure she wants good pictures to put in her albums.

it's fun talking about wedding stuff with her, even though it's still 1.75 years away! sometime soon we'll start dress scouting for ideas for both her dress and mine. woo!

alright, i think i'm rambled out. for a few hours, anyways. ;P


2003: he must have told me he loved me at least 3 times, just out of the blue.
2002: we had dinner at the 'ol wolitzer restaurant (ha ha) and like usual, there were quite a few people there. no justine though, which i was sad about. i miss her like crazy.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
