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running schedule change
01/02/05 ~ 10:38 p.m.

ok, so. my running schedule is now completely wrong because i realized that my classes are 6:30-9:30 on WEDNESDAY, not tuesday. and 7-10 on tuesday. so i can run before class on tuesday, not wed. THEREFORE, there is a revised running schedule. it is: monday, tuesday, and friday after work. if i want to do something right after work on any of those days, iw ill switch to the morning so as not to mis my run. i can use wednesday and thursday mornings to make up my run if need be. and i will probably run on saturdays because if i run sundays, that's three days in a row and i should be breaking it up better than that.


as if you all care.

oh, and also, the race i want to enter in may (the human race) only has a 3k and 10k options. so obviously, i'll be training for the 3k in may. that's 1.8 miles. right now, i can run 1 mile straight, for sure, in about 10 min. so by may, i beter kick the ass out of that 3k!


in other news, our kitchen is now clean! yay! david and i rocked out to cake and live while scrubbing away. then we rearranged and moved the microwave. it's a whole new kitchen!

i got everything done this weekend that i wanted to except one thing: taking down the christmas lights. but the rain would not let up! but here's what i DID accomplish:

- about 10 loads of laundry
- taking down the christmas tree
- bringing in all the christmas stuff from the white car and cleaning out all the other junk in there
- watched 3 netflix movies so i'm not wasting my monthly fee money
- the dishes

yay me! the three day weekend was so nice, i don't want to go back to work tomorrow! wah. i know i'm going ot be busy, too. it's a new year and we have new year stuff to do, new month stuff to do, plus i have to call a whole list of people and try to get them to RSVP to our client appreciation dinner. so yeah, don't expect a lot of bored updates from me tomorrow!

night all,


lazy sunday
01/02/05 ~ 1:34 p.m.

so far this lazy sunday, i have putzed online, read people magazine, and watched sky captian and the world of tomororw while curled up in bed with david. i've had a nasty headache that pasta, chocolate, and asprin don't seem to sure.

i plan to watch another movie this afternoon, mixed in with two chores: grocery shopping and the dishes. i did ALL the laundry yesterday, so at least that's done. woo.

tomorrow morning i plan to start my new running schedule: monday and friday mornings i'm going to the YMCA before work. i've figured out i need to be there by 6:45 to run, shower, dress, and be to work on time. so that's the plan. i'll also be running on wed nights after work and one weekend afternoon. gotta work towards those running goals!

alright, gonna lay down and watch that next movie, and maybe my head will stop pounding.


one year ago: we embarked on a fun little GPS treasure hunt. we fgound two boxes or stuff before justin realized it was time to head back to livermore.
two years ago: it was pretty funny when dan g. started crying telling me how important i am to him and how happy he is that i'm in love.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
