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my new ringtone / the final fillings
12/27/04 ~ 8:46 p.m.

my ringtone has been downloaded. the winner?

"tainted love". it's so much fun!

"like a virgin" was a close second, but i decided that i'll use this one for awhile, then i'll get like a virgin, and i'll make tainted love the ring for when jenn calls me. they didn't have the "stray cat strut" or "take on me", so it's a good third song choice for her.

as for other people, i think i should download "hey ya" for sabrina and megan, cuz it always makes me think of them.

and there were no clear choices for david. "love shack" would be great, but the midi file they made sucks ass. once he tried to program his phone's composer to play "if i only had a brain", and i saw that on the list, but really... i can't make my boyfriend's ring be if i only had a brain because that's mean! sigh. maybe a tenacious D song? they're not great quality, either. he wouldn't like the sappiness, but i considered songs like "sexual healing", "stop! in the name of love", and "you're the one that i want." sigh. well, i'll save my $1.99 until i'm sure!

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the dentist this afternoon was not bad! i think this is the type of cavity-filling experience most people must have! oddly uncomfortable, but NO PAIN. it was a miracle. i think the combination of the vikadin i took right before and the fact that the teeth were easier to numb because they're on the top made it actually work. fourth time's a charm! so now all seven cavities are filled, and i don't have to go back until april, where i will have another cleaning and check up. woo! now to start paying grandma back...

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i'm currently working on uploading all my christmas pictures. yes, i took some, in between being a cranky poo. so watch out for a picture entry tomorrow!

no christmas spirit
12/27/04 ~ 11:03 a.m.

i feel as if i'm walking in a fog. i have the sniffles and a headache. ugh. if i make it through the day, i'm going to consider a sick day tomorrow. i didn't want to take it today though, because you know how that looks after a 3 day weekend.

this morning was crazy - it's pouring rain and the clouds were so thick that when i left at 7 am, it was BLACK out. it was so dark that i actually checked my watch to make sure we hadn't accidentally changed the alarm clock's time. but no, it was just really that dark out. now, at 11 am, it's quite gloomy and gray, but at least i can tell it's daytime.

another reason i knew i had to come in to work today is my last dentist appointment. it's near my office, so i'd have to drive out here anyways. for the pain and torture. best to just come out here for the whole day. but after tonight, no dentist for 6 months. and hopefully, no more cavities, EVER.

i'm just so worn after this weekend. i've been a crabby bitch (the PMS is still going strong, my period needs to just start already), overly emotional and crying, and really, it made my christmas kinda crappy. i mean, it was ok, but to quote david, "i'm tired of having to watch what i say after these two days." which is true. i mean, i can't talk about my dad or grandparents at my mom's house, can't swear, etc. plus my other grandma is just really weird (i got a SCREEN CLEANER as one of my presents!), so that's tiring. and then there's the whole 2 hour drive there and back... yeah. needless to say, i just didn't feel the christmas spirit very much this year. i hope next year is better.

i need to go back to bed. but instead, i'll go back to work.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
