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100 things

new phone!
12/21/04 ~ 3:43 p.m.

i just got a new phone!

see, i'm an AT&T customer. i have a cheap plan (29.99/mo), and it's only got 250 anytime minutes, and DAMN do i have to make those stretch. so i was going to upgrade to a plan for 39.99, with 450 minutes. plus i'm going to stop paying for unlimited text messaging, as i only send about 30 a month, and that's only $3.00 total, and i'm paying $5.00/mo for that. not cool!

so i went online and checked it all out. turns out, when i get a new plan, it converts me to cingular. i get ROLLOVER minutes! and also.. MOBILE TO MOBILE with david, because he's had cingular forever (why he didn't get AT&T like me, i will never know. but anyways.)

included are a new FREE phones. yay! all i've ever had are nokia phones, so this time i got a nifty little flip phone. which is good because my purse is always pushing buttons and calling people when i don't mean to. when they flip, that doesn't happen.

this is the one i got, a Samsung X427M:

i haven't changed my number, by the way, BUT I WILL. i've lived here for over a year, it's about time i get a local cell phone. i promise i'll send out emails, call some of you, etc, when that happens. but keep a heads up, because it will probably be sometime in january.

but for now, i just have to wait for my new toy to get here. whee

ow fucking OW OW
12/21/04 ~ 11:35 a.m.

so, you guys have been spared the ranting for about a week, but here i go again: i just got back from the dentist. for the 3rd time. and this one was the worst of all of them.

they tried three different TYPES of shots, until they were afraid to give me any more because of reactions. they also gave me the nitrous gas (free of charge) and it hardly relaxed me at all. it hurt SO BAD. i almost crushed my walkman, which i was holding in my hands and playing full blast. there were tears. it was horrible.

they promised me that my 4th and final appointment (next monday) should be better, because top teeth are easier to get numb. however, it will suck because the two teeth are on opposite sides so i will have my whole face all numb-like.

at least i'm learning my lesson. i will NEVER miss a cleaning again. anyone out there reading, if it's been more than 6 months since you've had a cleaning, GET THEE TO A DENTIST!!!! i don't want anyone to have to go through the pain i've been going through.


*** you should definitely read the entry from two years ago. it's PRICELESS. ***

one year ago: i was only scheduled until 12:15 but the closing manager [at blockbuster] sucks my ass.
two years ago: oh well, if she wants ted's mediocre lovin', she can HAVE it. i have a MUCH better man.
three years ago: i'll be back sometime soon, with lots of ned stories.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
