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100 things

dear god
11/30/04 ~ 8:45 p.m.

too busy at work today. my mind was spinning like crazy all day, and even after work. i went to a dinner with the other BOAs in the area tonight, and it dragged on for a long time, so i just got home, at 8:45. so, no gym for me tonight. sigh. i'll run tomorrow night.

funny story. you know how that satellite is down? well, some other companies were affected by it. some are little known, but here's one you've probably heard of... playboy entertainment. hahaha. their cable channels were down for about 2 hours on sunday. now, our offices might be down for a week. what does that say about the differences between the stock market and pornography? ;)

alright. gonna spend some quality time with the D now. night!


one year ago: i don't know how mnay people realized how close i came to dropping out at one point or another, but i hung in there, hating it the whole way.
two years ago: i want the ticking clock that keeps time to pause so i can live and love and learn, all on my own terms.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
