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100 things

too much xbox
09/08/04 ~ 9:34 p.m.

david is obsessed with video games. seriously. when he gets into one, he has to play it every second he gets. i think he spent about 6 hours on sunday, 4 on monday, 3 last night, and he's been at it for 2 this evening. eh.

i was scrapbooking out in the living room with him, but i'm burnt out. speaking of which, i finally finished the pictures from france! for TWO YEARS AGO. dear god. and i'm almost caught up on recent pictures, so i can start doing old pictures that i have kept in the bad sticky page albums.

it's been hot here, like the sacramento weather i grew up in. it totally hit 100 today. at least in sac i had A/C. here, we have fans. and a hot house.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
