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100 things

a new accomplishment
08/19/04 ~ 11:07 a.m.

guess what i can do? i can get around without crutches! i'll still take them if i leave and go anywhere, but i go from room to room here without them. very, very slowly. ;)

plus last night i managed to sleep on both sides, instead of just my back. it's hard, i have to use my hips to turn and just balance my poor leg, but it's worth it to be able to cuddle up with david like i used to.

today mariah* is coming to visit me, we'll watch some sex and the city and have some girl talk. i haven't seen her in a few weeks, should be fun.

and DUDE. the olympics last night was freakin' amazing! (i know i can talk about this because CA is the LAST place the show gets aired, and it aired last night). not only did paul hamm somehow win gold after falling on his ass, but the women's freestyle relay team broke a 17 year old controversial world record! hot damn. i love the olympics.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
