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100 things

physical therapy
08/18/04 ~ 10:36 a.m.

well, i had my first PT appointment yesterday. i found out my knee is doing better than i knew because i was afraid to test it out since i thought it was still healing in there.

it's still pretty swollen, over 5 cm larger than my left knee. i can bend it to about 50 degrees on my own. they have me doing 3 exercises, one bending, one super straightening, and one lifting to build up strength. i also am supposed to semi- walk with the crutches now instead of lifting my leg and crutching normally. i can put as much weight as i can handle on it.

i took off the little sticky bandages today, since the nurse had said they'd fall off last week and they didn't. one of the incisions is still sort of open, but the others are all scabbed so i know they're doing good. hopefully being out in the air will cause the other one to start to fuse together more. they're sealed up on the inside, though, it's just a matter of the surface healing back together.

so here i am, sitting at the computer with my leg bent and on the floor! yay me! it will still be a few weeks before i'm actually walking, but it's a start.

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* check the cast page for details about this person!
