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100 things

SO bored
08/27/01 ~ 3:35

i am at work. i don't want to do anything. so instead, i joined a few new rings, emailed some people, read some diaries, and now i'm so bored that i'm writing a third entry for today. how pathetic am i?

i wish some of the cool rings would make a cool looking design or at least say something cute. like this one:

great idea, boring look. (besides the fact you can hardly see MY links cuz of the colors, but whatever). even the little blip before you join it says "could he BE any funnier?" he's my favorite friend, and i have to be in this ring to show some respect.

lexy knows how to do it:

this is a good one for me. in fact, it's just perfect for my current state of affairs:

sometimes rings look all gross and cluttered. for some reason, the pleasing color scheme of my diary makes my ring page less offensive, i think. maybe i'm just vain.


p.s. it's only two days before i can join this one:

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
