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100 things

friday i'm in love
07/09/04 ~ 2:57 p.m.

so really, i live a pretty mundane life. i almost wish, for the sake of this diary, that i was having a sordid affair with, well, anyone, just so i could confess my sins to you all. then i would be more exciting!

but alas, the only love affair i am having is with my david. but extended mushiness and gushyness about my longtime love, that can get old quick. not to mention gag-inducing for those of you that are either waiting for love or just plain sick of hearing about it. (he is the best, though. sweet, loving, caring, considerate, romantic, cuddly... all those good things. i enjoy his company whenever we're together and i feel lucky everytime i drift to sleep in his arms. ok. i'm done.)

nothing else too exciting is happening, either. my job is the same. sometimes i'm busy, more often i'm not. right now i'm in the office, by myself, and i finished all work that needed to be done at about 11 am. i tend to just go straight home after work these days. not even to the gym or swing dancing because of the poor knee. i really have to baby it. i do hang out with my friends whenever i can, so that's a good thing. in fact, i'll talk about them. they're more exciting than me, anyways.

brooke* is heading to oregon this weekend for her high school reunion. how fun! can't wait for mine... it's 4 years away still. hopefully by then i'll be married to david, thin and buff, and have an awesome job. cuz you have to have all those things to go back, right? :P

sabrina went on a first date yesterday! that's exciting. she's also got a new summer job helping educate migrant worker's children, and she's a volunteer usher for a theater company. she's coming over tomorrow to watch sex and the city with me and cameron*.

speaking of cam, he's about ready to head off on another one of his trips aorund the world. he plans to be gone for close to a year this time. he's leaving august 1st. he's also trying to give will* his job, which would be awesome for will. he needs to get out of that gas station!

tonight i'm going to dinner with mariah*. she's working a lot this summer, teaching summer school, tutoring an autistic boy, and working nights and weekends at the group home. i haven't seen much of her so hopefully i'll get the gossip tonight.

i chatted with amber* today, and hopefully we'll get together next week. she's in the midst of the wonderful morning sickness phase, although for her it's kindof all day sickness. poor thing. she says her tummy's not showing yet, but it will be soon.

amy and gabe* are on vacation, backpacking through various forests and climbing mountains and such. hopefully i'll get to see her sometime before she starts her credential program in santa cruz.

jenn* is in love! she started dating zack about a month ago, and they exchanged those three words just last week. super happy for her!

alright. now you're up to date on all my friends lives. if you made it this far, you're awesome.

blog at ya later,


07/09/04 ~ 2:49 p.m.

sometimes i want to update more than once a day, but then the new post will cover up the most recent entry and i get all worried that my readers won't check to see if they missed a post.

they might miss some of my pure brilliance! or complete boringness, whatever the case may be.

i'd been hesitant to adopt the weblog-style because i number my entries. i don't let them get default addresses, i name them "entryXXX.html" to keep my own count. (yes, big dork. so sue me.) and i didn't want to mess THAT up.

but i have conceeded that i can skip numbers to keep the count accurate. so, say, if i posted 3 entries today on entry2041.html, then my first post tomorrow will be entry2044.html. and it all evens out.

so now that we've established how dorky i am, and i've subjected you to my complete over-analyzation of the subject, i'm going to post my actual entry for today.

so i can try out the weblog thing, of course. ;)

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
