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100 things

are you even surprised?
08/27/01 ~ 9:15

so. the gods are still punishing me for being so heartless.

yesterday i was headed for brooke's house for the river cats game. we were going with her grandma's church, so there was a BBQ first. i was supposed to be there around 1:30. at about 1:30, my car decided it wanted to freak out on the freeway. the RPMs went to zero, the car felt out of gear, and i couldn't give it gas. i ended up coasting down the side of the freeway until i got to a call box. i couldn't put emergency lights on because, well, the button is broken. so i used the call box. the CHP answered, and called my insurance company to get me a tow truck, cuz i have free towing on my plan. remind me to get AAA. seriously. it's worth it.

then i begged the highway patrolman to let me call brooke to come rescue me. it's kinda weird calling people with a CHP on the line. every so often, he'd break in and say something about exactly where i was on the freeway and stuff. freaky. so brooke and robert came out to wait for the one hour tow truck. after and hour and a half, i called my insurance company back. they contacted the tow truck and said it was 5 minutes away. a highway patrolman on the freeway stopped and talked at us through the speaker, and then left. another hour passed, and more highway patrolmen stopped and tried to help. they ALL called my insurance company and said stuff like "hi, this is the CHP. please get a tow truck out to this poor girl in the sun on this side of the road." and they STILL didn't get there.

the third highway patrolman let me get in his car and showed me all his buttons and lights and sirens and speed readers and how to unlock the shotgun. that was cool.

at about 4:30, i used the call box AGAIN and had that CHP call AAA (brooke has a AAA card) and try to cancel my insurance company's truck. not long after, the tow truck FINALLY showed up, and while they were hooking it up, got a call that it was cancelled. GRRR. but i told them to keep going and it got towed back to davis.

then we went to the game, stayed for most of it, and figured out what i was going to do. if they took me home, i couldn't go to work today. so i spent the night with brooke. but i was wearing jean shorts and a tank top, and i couldn't very well wear that in the office. so i borrowed some clothes from her mom and grandmother. and that brings me up to right now, sitting at my desk in borrowed clothes.

total hours spent on side of freeway: 3 1/2
total CHPs talked to: 5
total borrowed items of clothing: 2 (skirt- grandmother, shirt- mom)
method of teeth brushing used: the old finger- with toothpaste scrubbing
upshot of afternoon: i hate my car.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
