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100 things

my brother's band
06/16/04 ~ 11:49 a.m.

i can't believe i forgot to talk about my brother's news. see, chad* is in a rock band. they're called second session and they're based out of sacramento. they've played some good gigs there, and they were planning to do a mini tour this summer, but nothing big.

then my other brother joe* produced a high powered music connection to the band new found glory. somehow this panned out, and their record label, drive thru records is interested in chad's band. the president of the company called my mom's house and set a date to meet with them, sign them on for a 3 record contract, send them on tour, and pay them each 75k. yikes.

my reactions:

1. skeptical. i'm not sure this will pan out at all. it's the music business, you know? luckily, the band isn't counting on it either.

2. happy/excited. i mean, it's really awesome. my bro could get rich and famous.

3. supremely jealous with feelings of life being unfair. why the hell should he get all this glory (and money) when he hasn't worked half as hard at making it in life as i have? he doesn't get good grades, who knows if he'll go to college, and he's only had ONE summer job in his 19-year life. and here i am, broke as a joke.

speaking of that, tomorrow is bankruptcy court day. wish me luck. actually, more than that. think good thoughts about how my case will get approved wihtout any glitches, kay? and then i'm taking the rest of the work day off after court to unwind. i'll workout to release stress and then i'll go home and chill. woo.

ok, back to work. hmm, maybe i'd rather go have lunch instead. the possibilities are endless.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
