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this should be a more eventful entry
05/25/04 ~ 11:11 a.m.

entry 2000! uh, oh... shouldn't i be compliling a list of my best entries to commemorate this joyous event? sadly, i'm at work with a stone age browser, and that's just not going to happen. maybe i'll throw one of those in later this week. anyways, now i'll proceed as normal.

i didn't post anything yesterday because diaryland was being stupid all day at work. then i worked out, went home and ate, watched a little tv, and relaxed. david went over to his friend's house to watch some tv show, but i didn't want to do that and stay up really late, so i declined and stayed home by myself instead. it was nice.

today is just another tuesday. it was hard to get out of bed, apparantly david snoozed the alarm twice and i didn't think it had snoozed at all! luckily, part of my relaxation last night was a bubble bath, so i didn't need as much time to get ready. the only plan after work tonight is to do the dishes! yes, once again, they have piled up like crazy. really, david should be more responsible for them since i did 12 loads of laundry over the weekend, but who's counting? but they will only get done if i initiate doing them together.

i'm already ready for the 3 day weekend coming up. although it seems that everyone is planning crap for saturday only and not the rest of the weekend! there's a poker night starting at 5 and megan's birthday shindig is going to start around 7:30, so i'm going to attempt to do both. my mom invited me to the lake with the family and all the cousins on saturday as well, but i won't be able to do that.

i want to BBQ on monday, so i sent an email to the whole chris/tim/anya gang to see if they would be up for that in the afternoon before they all turn into roleplayers that evening. haven't heard back yet. i volunteered our place, so if that happens, i'll invite a few others just for kicks. woo.

hopefully either saturday morning or sunday david and i can go see shrek 2. we were planning on going last sunday, but jenn was here the whole day unexpectedly. so that killed those plans.

really, i just want to go home and go back to bed. anyone second that idea?

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
