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this is fucking hilarious
07/27/01 ~ 8:18 a.m.

ok, i'm going to begin friday morning with the absolutely funniest story i have ever heard. this is a bobby-worthy story, i shit you not. my friend kyle actually witnessed this event, and he says he'd be fine dying now because he has seen the most funny thing ever. and he's not kidding.

kyle was sitting at an intersection's red light. on the corner to his right was a midget in a small driving cart, like the kind you would find in a grocery store. with the small basket in front and everything. on the left corner was an old man in a similar vehicle. now kyle had his windows rolled up, so he couldn't hear the discussion, but somehow, the two of them got in an argument. they were yelling across the street. when the light turned green, they drove past each other, yelling and shaking their fists in the air. now, if this wasn't enough, as the midget was yelling behind him , he didn't see where he was going and hit the curb. he went flying out of his cart and the old man started laughing. as did kyle.

have you ever heard a story funnier than that one? everyone i tell it to laughs so hard, they are almost crying.

hope i brightened your friday morning!


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
