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100 things

no fair
07/26/01 ~ 12:47 p.m.

my friends raissa and bobbi have their sweeties visiting. why isn't mine going to be here for 8 (almost 9)days???

i'm back from lunch. it was yummy sushi. we had fun talk about the ladies at my work with 16 yeor old sons. they all don't want them to date because girls nowadays are so "fast". guess my actions wouldn't dissuade them. luckily, my adventures turned into a relationship (of sorts).

quote of today: "i want you to want me, i need you to need me, i'd love you to love me, i'm begging you to beg me...."

only cuz i just heard it in my car. =) good song.

anyways, i must take my leave of you and find something to do. too bad ned's not around...


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
