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looking for love at a gas station
07/24/01 ~ 9:14 a.m.

blah. you guys are not cool... i only got ONE quote in my guestbook. thanks to krista, who is very cool and likes RENT.

OH MY GOD. so i was getting gas yesterday after work and this guy started talking ot me about the lei in my car window and stuff and eventually asked me if i was single and i said, "um, kinda?" cuz i'm a dork. i sotra told him about ned in georgia. then he asked for my number so i gave it to him but i couldn't figure out what number to give (i'm moving, so my new number, my mom's number, jenny's mom's number..) so i gave my work number. basically i was being complicated. but in the back of my mind, i was like, maybe i can meet his guy for brooke! cuz no one is on my mind now except for ned.

he was a really nice guy though... not sleazy or anything. he's 25 and works in the pool business. he was kinda shy about asking too. never hurts to have more friends.. and i *did* tell him about ned right away. so if we do go out, i'll let him know the whole situation.

so i got back to jenny's mom's house and mike was playing computer games and i guess i had a weird look on my face cuz he asked me what was wrong right away. i was like, "do i look cuter than usual today? cuz i just got hit on and that NEVER happens!" it was very weird. kinda good feeling, but really weird at the same time.

so that's my story for the day. for most people, uneventful, but for me... quite shocking.


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* check the cast page for details about this person!
