new old guestbook about me links

cast pictures aim dreams diet log

100 things

hi again
06/28/01 ~ 2:45 p.m.

yeah, yeah. updating again. what's a girl to do when she has no email, no one is updating, no one is signing the guestbook, and i'm bored at work?

i modified some stuff on the cast page. little things pop up when you hover over links! check it out.

i get to work at the pool 3 days in a row, starting today. wahoo.

diaryland is a beautiful thing. i mean, you can meet people online, like through AIM, but you can read their journal and get to know them pretty well. and then you meet awesome people. when people ask about my anklet, i tell them my friend rachel from new jersey made it for me. and if they don't know the wonder that is diaryland, they just won't understand. =)

ok. that's all for now. if i come up with something else worth typing out... there may just be another entry today! aren't you all excited???


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
