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i remembered a dream!
04/21/04 ~ 3:24 p.m.

i actually updated my dream diary today. that hasn't happened since, oh, last year.

so today isn't really super eventful. work, chiropractor, dinner with the other BOAs in the area, the bachelor on tv tonight, to bed. that's the plan.

i never mentioned that jenn* was here on sunday because of all the bankruptcy babble. well, she was. it was fun. we talked, opened christmas presents, talked more, went to lunch, talked, gossiped, played DDR, talked more, looked for a winery but they were all closed, gossiped, and went to dinner. and her hair is beautiful and it's not fair. it growns really fast and it's so long and i want it. wah. it was cool that she visited me (finally) and i suppose it's my turn next! it's weird because we used to be totally attached at the hip, and hang out for no reason all the time, just doing whatever came up. i miss that. sucks we live so far apart now.

speaking of best friends, i'm meeting brooke* in napa (our new halfway point) on sunday. there's an outlet mall for us to shop at, we'll do lunch, and talk about our boys. sex, love, marriage -- very hot topics when brooke and i get together!

toodles my dears, time to act busy for a few more hours until i can leave!

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
