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100 things

04/12/04 ~ 3:57 p.m.

well, i had my MRI today. on my knee, to make absolutely sure the ACL is torn. it took almost an hour, 30 minutes of which was a loud buzzing while inside a tube. bleh.

i feel kinda yucky cuz i've eaten candy and chinese food today. not exactly healthy. at least i played some DDR [dance dance revolution]. yup, our xbox is all working, i have a dance pad, and i am all about busting a move! or trying not to suck, at least.

i am about to leave for another doctor's appointment -- this one to get painkillers! i hope. i will kill the doctor if i have to pay $25 copay and they deny me. cuz that's the only reason i'm going in.

then david and i are meeting up with will, cameron, and nicole (the girl cameron is dating) for some tennis. where, if i'm going to play, i will need those painkillers! ;)

hasta luego...


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* check the cast page for details about this person!
