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100 things

mawwiage.. is what brings us together... twoday.
03/25/04 ~ 1:56 p.m.

my friend sarah is getting married! about time, too, cuz she and jon have been dating for 6 years. let's see... i talked about her once upon a time. this entry, at the bottom. oh, and this one, in the middle. that one's better.

i'd link her cute little page at, but i'm at work and i have no idea what it is. =) i knew she got engaged about a month ago, and she is planning like a madwoman because there is a date (sept 24) and the bridal party has been appointed (seven people each! seven!).

anyways, i am excited and there will be tond of people there that i used to work with at polycomp (any of my old readers remember when i worked there? anyone?) and i am going to be super skinny and impress the hell out of all of them. yeah.(while not upstaging the bride, of course. i couldn't anyways, sarah is beautful.)

changing subjects quickly, it's raining today and i don't like it. i did like the back windshield wiper on the new wagon though, it's fun. and i am glad that i decided not to wear the pretty springy dress i recently got.

sun, where did you go?

and that is all. thank you and goodnight.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
