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my first (major) car accident
03/09/04 ~ 9:31 p.m.

edit: (in response to some guestbook concerns) my insurance company has put me at fault, in that 51% sort of way. i have full coverage up to $25,000, so her car will get paid for by that. mine will get fixed if the cost of repairs is under blue book (~$5300) OR they will total it out and off ME a cash settlement with which to get a new car. this is the beauty of semi-expensive montly insurance bills. it pays off when you fuck up.


look what i did today:

no one was hurt. i am *very* sore and have a few bruises, from the airbags and also slamming my arm into the stickshift. i got a check up from the doctor and nothing vital seems to be wrong. i'm supposed to wake up with a lot of pain tomorrow. it will probably be similar for the lady i hit. she said she didn't get hurt, but we'll see. (she was very nice. i felt horrible.)

so what happened? well, i won't lie to you. a yearbook in my passenger seat distracted me and when i looked up, it was too late. traffic was at a dead stop right before the freeway merge. i know, i am a fucking idiot who needs to pay attention while she drives, and to stop multitasking. we'll just say i learned my lesson, eh?

of course, i was a wreck, totally bawling for about 30 minutes straight. luckily, AAA is a wonderful thing. i got towed to a body shop, my claim filed, and a rental car within 2 hours of the accident. i was at work at 10:30 am.

we're pretty sure this poor little blue car isn't coming back. everyone cross your fingers for a decent settlement amount so we can get another car of similar value. we went and looked at what the saturn dealership has at the moment.

saturn is a great car, safety wise. see how the car looks like nothing happened except the front end? i rearended someone going about 45+ and they were stopped. amazing.

let's look at some more shots:

(the lady i hit, also a saturn. they are at the same body shop right now. notice how her car absorbed the damage, too. hers is fixable.)

i know, i'm lucky to be alive and well. so is the poor woman whose day i ruined.

i'm also lucky david doesn't hate me for destroying our car. we're just looking to the future and hoping we get something comparable.

and for now, my rental car is pretty sweet. lots of gadgets. too bad i'm such a frickin' wreck when i'm driving now, cuz i can't really enjoy its sweetness.

alright, i need to lie down now. adios.


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* check the cast page for details about this person!
