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100 things

i swear i'm not a tv addict. really.
02/26/04 ~ 10:59 a.m.

i watched the bachelorette last night -- no one told me it was going to be 2 hours long! anyways. i won't spoil the ending, because no matter which way it ended, i know i would have cried like i did. i always cry at sappy shit like this. *such* a girl.

so i was tired and i cried and it gave me a headache which STILL hasn't gone away. not after sleeping, 100 mg of motrin, breakfast, nothing. i mean, it's not migrane material or anything, it's just annoying. grrrrr.

tonight after work i am going to take a yoga class at my YMCA. i'm kinda excited - i've done a yoga dvd in the privacy of my living room, but i've never had an instructor help me, you know? so that should be cool.

and then, a new episode of friends! (i swear, i'm not tv-obsessed. really. i only occasionally get caught up in reality shows. and i watch 2 shows religiously. one ends pretty soon and the other, it's over. speaking of which, i still haven't gotten a clean copy of the finale of sex and the city to download. frustrating, that.) ok, so back to friends. rachel gets a job offer in paris! so carrie's not the only star of my favorite shows to head over to france. well, maybe. think rachel will go? nah, she's gotta end up with ross, right?

i haven't heard if mariah* is coming over to watch with me. i sent her an email, so i'll call after work and see. hopefully.

alright, back to addressing cards for clients with march birthdays. one of my less exciting tasks, to be sure. hasta!


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
