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super bowl, bad credit, and sore throats
02/02/04 ~ 9:13 a.m.

5 people came to our super bowl gathering: chris*, anya*, will*, mariah* and kevin from blockbuster*. with david and i, 7 people was a perfect fit to enjoy the game and commercials, eat junk food, and laugh. i was rooting for the underdogs and they almost did it. there were some exciting plays, to be sure. oh well. too bad, panthers.

i felt like shit, drank a lot of OJ, and even took a small nap during the game. i *still* can't talk normally, it's scratchy and horrible sounding. i've been trying to whisper.

this morning i got a consultation done on my credit. to put things out there, i have 7 items in collections, totalling $18k. my two student loans, which total $15k, are current. i am pretty screwed for a 23 year old. i got some advice on how to clean up what i can and then all i can do it let time pass. if i can't pay it... i can't pay it. so i'm going to offer to settle the 2 smallest ones because i can handle that, and i'm going to ge a secured credit card because i need to build up my credit. crazy, huh? but if i ever want to be able to buy a house with david, i have to do something proactive. luckily, i did find out that my credit can't screw him up when we get married. it will just get in the way if we're trying to get approved for loans together. but he will be fine on his own.

well, i have to leave to work soon (yes, i have to go even though i can barely talk). breakfast first though!

catch ya later,


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
