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100 things

01/29/04 ~ 7:13 a.m.

i feel like shit run over twice. i'm going to work, but with the idea that i will be promptly sent home but at least they will know that i'm not calling in sick so early in the game for the hell of it.

i honestly might have strep throat, if i don't feel better this afternoon, it's to the doctor with me.

i spent the night freezing, turned on the heater blanket, woke up a sweaty mess, turned the blanket off, and got woken by the alarm feeling a smidge better. so my body made a fine effort, really.

last night, sabrina* and i went to ale works to watch the bachelorette (the owner is a contestant on the show -- todd) but he got cut. boo hoo for todd. sabrina, if you get sick, i'm really sorry!

ok, gonn have some hot tea and try to brush my wet hair. send me get well vibes!

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
