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happy birthday to me!
12/12/03 ~ 7:41 a.m.

i got the most random, but nice, birthday surprise this morning! a phone call from my dad. MY dad. amazing.

for those of you who don't know, or even regular readers who might have missed the few little bits i've droppped, my story with my dad is complicated. ok, 50 words or less: cheated on my mom when i was 16, divorced, lost his job so stopped paying support, went to court to re-claim my money, came to my graduation, randomly moved to arizona in september nda haven't heard from him since.

so yeah, it was nice to hear from him:

THANK YOU for all the random birthday wishes in my guestbook! where did you people come from??? i will get back to each and every one of you, i promise!

i got my first birthday present yesterday, from mariah*. she took me to dinner, gave me an old navy gift card and two pairs of socks so i could mismatch them (which i am doing right now! yay!), and watched freaky friday with me. (cuz i can rent it right now and you can't! it comes out on tuesday.)

tonight is david's night, he's cooking for me and i get to oen which are supposedly fantastic presents that he's really excited about. i'm excited, too. :)

1. Do you enjoy the cold weather and snow for the holidays?
we don't get snow, so the little bit of california cold is good. :)

2. What is your ideal holiday celebration? How, where, with whom would you celebrate to make things perfect?
ideal? would be that i had a warm, happy family gathering to go to. i wish my family was more family-like, or that i fit in with david's family more.

3. Do you do have any holiday traditions?
david and i have started the tradition that christmas eve is just us. we make a nice dinner and open each other's presents. this will be year 2.

4. Do you do anything to help the needy?
not specifically. i will put money into the buckets. this year i gave a ton of clothes to a girl whose apartment burned down. but i am not in the best place to give much to the needy.

5. What one gift would you like for yourself?
ideally, i'd like a nice digital camera with a photo printer. however, that's really expensive and i'm dreaming. but i will gift that to myself one of these days!

ok. i'm going to be late to work, but it's my birthday so i don't care. ha!


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* check the cast page for details about this person!
