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bike ride of death
09/13/03 ~ 9:45 p.m.

we went on a bike ride today. it kicked my butt so hard. there was this hill that was just... UP. i made it, but a full 10 mintues of slow biking later, i had to lay down, i was seeing spots and was dizzy. not good at all.

so we rested on this patch of grass, watched some deer get really close to us and eat. it was really peaceful and serene. i felt so happy and inspired and in love. :P

then we biked home. we walked our bikes up the flip side of the hill this time. go us.

at home, we've been doing our own thing. i finished the book i was reading. david's been playing a video game for a few hours. i've been chatting and playing with friendster. i am in that exact mood halfway between depressed and happy. i'm just here.

i had some mood swings today. i was good in the morning, good right after the interview, which went well, sad when i got home, really bummed for awhile, slowly came back up (a visit to the pet store helped with that), happy at lunch, crabby after lunch cuz i felt sick, unmotivated for a bit, good on the bike ride, DYING and mad that i am so out of biking shape, peaceful with the deers, relaxed while reading, and now, just "here".

here's to tomorrow being a much more mood-stable day.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
