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100 things

oh glorious day!
09/12/03 ~ 1:42 p.m.

i am in a wonderful mood. i feel smart, sexy, carfeee, independant, and alive.

i put on my new black dress. i altered the straps so that they weren't falling down, and figured out the right bra to give me the proper boobage. i got it looking not too shabby. i put a buttoned up shirt over it, grabbed some shows, i and i was in professional mode. why? cuz i planned on stopping by the brokerage office to "introduce myself" after dropping david off. it was time to take charge.

after i dropped him off, i got the bizzare idea that i needed a haircut. well, just a trim. i hadn't had it cuz since the first week in june. that's, um... 3 months. oops. so i put my name on the list, got a mocha, read a book, and felt cool. then i got my hair trimmed and blow dried. nice.

i stopped by the office. the investment rep is very nice, very smart, very driven. i would love to work for her. she took my resume and did an improptu interview. it was pretty rough and straightforward, but i survived well. her main concern seems to be that i have a computer degree, and that she won't have me as her assistant forever. i promised her 3 years, maybe more. she said she'd call me this weekend to chat more.

i left feeling good. i sauntered out to the car, checking myself out in the window. i checked my voicemail -- one of the places i faxed yesterday called me! i called back and left a message. i am SO in demand, baby.

i drove to hollywood video. i shed the buttonned up shirt and strutted my sexy self inside with just a strappy balck dress. i picked out a choice film for this evening. i had a perma-grin on. i was walking on air.

i met my friend terrie at fresh choice for lunch. i had to walk (yes, saunter) through the mall, with my strappy shoes going click, click, click. i wanted poeple to look at me and witness the hotness.

lunch was great. we chatted, i ate just salad and a tapioca pudding (NO bread, NO pasta, NO muffins! what got into me??).

then i drove home, singing along to the radio. still feeling awesome, my cell rang. the guy who left a message called to set up an interview TOMORROW! yeah, baby!

so i took a picture that does no justice to how hot i feel. but really, i feel great.

i know that i'm still overweight, not a sex symbol, and that most of you reading this could put me to shame. but right now, i don't care. i feel THAT good.


p.s. and i watched this and found it amusing. good times.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
