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100 things

entry 1000!
09/02/03 ~ 12:23 p.m.

diaryland has my count of entries is the big 1-0-0-0 today! woo. my numbering was off, so i just changed it to match. how bout that? that's a freaking lot of entries. addiction much?

it's been busy at work this morning. after a 3 day weekend, lots of people need to call. plus our normal tech guy is out, so my manager, tricia, is doing tech as well as sales. craziness.

so this weekend i did pretty much 4 things: workout tapes, finding friends on friendster, eating too much snack food, and watching sex and the city 4. (yes, all 18 episodes! woo!) i also slept a little bit in there. naps are good.

however, i am not well-rested today because david and i watched the for love or money reunion show (i wish it had been the last epsiode, but whatever), the meet my dad reunion, and headed to bed at 11. we weren't actually asleep till after midnight (wink, wink) so i am a bit sleepy today. i had about 3/4 cup of coffee (first time since the coffee incident that freaked me out) and i'm a little jittery from that.

so friendster -- AWESOME. i've got a huge personal network (all the people that are 6 degrees away from me), and within that, there are tons of girls in santa rosa in my age group. i've met one i really like, we've written back and forth a few times. (i DO feel a bit weird, like i'm online dating... which i kinda am, but not... you know?) she went to chico (hi sammi!) and then moved back here, but a lot of her friends from high school don't live here anymore. she's a teacher at a local elementary school, likes to chill and watch movies as well as swing dance, and seriously seems like someone i would totally love. so i'm excited, hopefully i'll get to meet her soon.

i've also written back and forth twice with another girl who seems cool, so far she reminds me a little bit if jenn*, just because of the fact that she's so strightforward, blunt, and open about things. she doesn't give a shit what other people think. heh. that rules.

i have 27 direct friends on my profile, all people i know! most of those people already used it, but i also invited some people to sign up, so now justin a*, jenn*, bobbi jo, sarah, michelle, and ted* are having fun like me!

speaking of ted, he had me send him an invite so he can "meet hot chicks". hahaha. it's funny how open i am about setting him up with girls and such. i mean, i'd like him to be happy. it's just weird. so i wrote up a "testimonial" for him and i was kinda picky about what i wrote - i mean how do you say nicely "well, i sorta dated him for 2 years, and, well, he's not super boyfriend material unless you don't mind waiting on him hand and foot and not really getting any affection. but he's not a bad guy..."? sigh. he's a tough one. even samantha* agrees with me, she really loved him and wanted to wait on him hand and foot and just couldn't do it. i, on the other hand, didn't love him, and got fed up with his attitude and didn't do everything for him. maybe that's why i didn't get much affection? or maybe it was just the fact that i was never his official girlfriend? so i wrote something about him "having his own way with the ladies"... that can be taken good or bad. cuz baiscally, for things to work out for ted, he'll either have to change his tune and stop being so chauvinistic and selfish, or he'll have to meet some really special, patient, giving, undemanding yet still intelligent girl.

i can't belive i ever wanted his affection. god, i was so pathetic and needy for love that i wanted it from there.

i'm SO SO SO SO SO happy i didn't let david slip through my fingers. he's really more than i could have ever asked for. sometimes i wish that i'd never dated anyone else but him. i don't have regrets about my life really, it's just one of those things. when youfind the love of yourlife, you wish that every moment had been saved for him. (ok, end of mushy stuff).

so i left those robo rally pictures up for 2 days so you could enjoy them (and cuz i was too lazy to update all weekend). but i hate how signmyguestbook keeps breaking. i've tried to leave lots of messages lately and it isn't working. sometimes i leave notes instead, but i'm not the biggest fan of them (hence why i don't have them for myself. i like all my messages in the same spot. i'm also a super gold member, but i decided i didn't want to use comments.)

have i rambled enough? just trying to live up to my title. ;) catch you all later,


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
