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sushi boats and sex books
09/17/00 ~ 11:33 am

i just woke up. this is great. i so rarely get to sleep in that i truly relish when i can. weekends are my only hope, and then they somehow get scheduled where i have to get up early. yesterday wasn't so bad. i had a hair appointment at 11:30 and some laundry to do so i got up at 10. (by the way, i am in love with my new haircut. it's shorter than i've had it in years, but so cute.) but today...ahhh. i have nothing to do. it's nice. i think i am going to partake in my favorite activity, scrapbooking. i started this at the beginning of the year after astrid and i went to squaw valley. she's always been into it, so i gave it a whirl with our pictures from the trip and i was hooked. now i recently got a nice assortment of circle and oval cutters, a baby paper cutter, templates, stickers, and more. it is so exciting! the only thing is though, i am a picture fiend. i take pictures of every event that goes on, and save them all in a box. this means i am usually behind. yesterday i just finished scrapbooking 4th of july weekend.

so yesterday was a fun day. i went to davis after my fabulous haircut to spend a whole day with astrid. we watched reality bites (one QUALITY movie) and scrapbooked. and talked. and played with her adorable kitten, toby, who managed to pee on her bed so that we would have to make an emergency trip to the cleaners. then at 6:30, the wonderful jeffy came over and we headed out to sushi. i introduced my two friends while introducing jeffy to the marvel of eating food off of very little floating boats. i had so much good sushi. it was exciting. then we went to the little bookstore next to the sushi bar so that astrid could pine over all the art books and i could laugh at all the sex books. as far back as i can remember, i've always been the person who goes right for the sex books and can get engrossed in them. i'm sure that because i am a newly active participant, it seems as if i am obsessed with it. but this is a pastime i have always enjoyed. i don't know why i am so fascinated by sex. (hopefully most people are too and i'm not just some weirdo) but it's beautiful and special and can be so important or fun or serious or heartbreaking and so many other things. it's an art form. i feel as if i'm getting too poetic. so i laughed at this old 70's book called 'total orgasm' which gave illustrated instructions on how to achieve orgasm, which included massaging your jaw and other weird things. then we went back to astrid's apartment and bored the hell out of jeffy while we made a collage on her bedroom door. then bleh came over, and jeffy and i left with the hopes of renting SLC Punk. we did not succeed. so we rented Down to You (mostly due to my persuading) and headed back to his house. i swear the girl at the counter thought we were a couple. i witness this phenomenon quite often actually. i have a few good guy friends that i hang out with on a one on one basis and it is always assumed that we are a couple. my friend rick and i used to go places and bicker like mad and people would ask us if we were married. my friend john and i will go out to dinner and they'll sit as at a romantic table. and jeff informed me last night that this one day when we used to work together, and i was late to work cuz i was at his house playing in the rain, and i dragged him into work with me, that our managers were convinced we had been doing the deed before we arrived. one even told jeffy he had "the glow". i don't know whether i am flattered or insulted by these assumptions. actually, i am more flattered because people assuming that fine looking guys like jeffy or john would be dating me is definitely a self esteem boost. anyways, i'm off topic. the movie was horribly cheesy and even *i* didn't like it. uck. but jeffy made me popcorn and pink lemonade so it was all worth it. then i came home, and *poof* i was asleep. and so that brings us to this morning. this is the part where i finally get out of bed and off the computer and start my day. bye guys.


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* check the cast page for details about this person!
