new old guestbook about me links

cast pictures aim dreams diet log

100 things

dumbass cars
05/14/01 ~ 2:21 p.m.

i'm having fun joining all diary rings that are pertinent to me and my character. they are always linked at the bottom, but for today you can view them by clicking here. i think i will soon add a link for some neat diaries. i mean, so many are nice and pretty, but i can only keep up to date on so many people's lives, ya know? so when i add all of them to my profile, it's a big 'ol mess. if i had a page for them, it would be happier.

i have to take my car to the shop. again. let's see... how many times have a bitched about my car in here? in entry 36, i sum it all up. i have now spent almost as much on repairs as i did when i bought it. but it's still cute and i still love it. remind me of that when i am whining about the heat, kay? (whoever buys a car in CA without a/c is not smart.)

i got to chat with rachel (cinnamon girl) this weekend. she's cool! read her diary! sign her guestbook! (then sign mine. pleeease???)



back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
