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100 things

david's sneaky plan
02/01/03 ~ 12:50 p.m.

so david had a plan. he snuck around with a card and had a bunch of my friends sign it. then he hid it, and posted a message in my diary so people could tell me to look for it.he wrote it last night, tacked at the end of the "jenn" entry. after reading jenn's entry in my guestbook, i decided to re-read the entry and found what he wrote. i pulled out the card, and it is so wonderful.

it made me cry, i was so touched.

i scanned it, and since i want it to be big enough to read, but i don't want to mess up the layout, you can see it here.

this is what he wrote last night, in case you missed it:


-tap tap-

Is this thing on?

Where is my hat?

Oh yes. This is the part where I, Holly's trusted sidekick, give you, the internet friend, a chance to affect what happens in Holly's life.

While I believe that she will find this message eventually, I give you a task.

Under Holly's scanner I have placed a cheer up card. It is graffitied with as many signatures as I could get in five hours, which is admirable considering the spontaneity of this plan.

Your mission is to convince her to check under her scanner and find the card.

You may e-mail her, sign her guestbook, or however else you would like to tell her. Please don't call though, on account of my wanting to sleep.

And now I dart away as I am typing this message in front of Holly. Good luck.


everyone, i love you.

seriously, i think this is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me, and you were a part of it.

everything will work out. i know i have you all for support. thank you for making me feel so special.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
