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my old friend jenny p.
12/23/02 ~ 11:36 a.m.

don't miss my last post. important in the life of holly!!!

so yesterday was a trip. not really the morning - it was pretty normal. david and i went to visit my aunt and uncle, because my cousin was visiting from missouri. so we had lunch there. david and my uncle really get along. this is all fine and dandy, except i have to hide it from my mom, because she's totally mad at all of my dad's family, and doesn't think i should associate with them. well, i think i can do what i want, and although i have enough balls to go see them, i don't have enough to tell her about it. whatever. i hate family drama.

but the really cool thing was this -- i reconnected with an old friend last night. her name is (surprise) jenny. i know way too many of them. anyways. here's the short story -- jenny and i went to school together from 2nd grade until i moved after freshman year. we were friendly in elementary school, closer in junior high, and BEST BEST friends in high school. she's probably the closest best friend i'd ever had. we had a little drama freshamn year, because i was a goody goody, and she had discovered alcohol. well me, the drama queen that i am, managed to break down crying in front of a teacher and accidentally turn her in. she got suspended for about a week. she didn't know it was be until right before i moved to livermore -- i told her. it was ok though, we stayed friends.

then i moved, and we wrote letters like crazy. i still have all of them. she visited a couple times, even went to a homecoming dance with rick! we were still super close. but then... my parents divorced and i moved back to sacramento. i called her to hang out, and she dropped the bomb: "holly, i don't think that we'd get along. i don't think you'd like the person i am or the people i hang out with." boom. and from then on, i didn't see or hear from her.

what she meant was, she still drank, smoked, and so did all her friends. litte did she know, it just took me longer to grow up enough to be able to handle that scene. which i did not too long after that. so, almost 2 years ago, i got up the courage, looked her up, and emailed her. she wrote back, and we agreed that we'd probably be friends now. however, she goes to UCLA, and left to study abroad in india for 6 months. (she's an art major, and really good. check out her page: jenny's art). so after a few emails, that was it.

so, about a month ago, she emailed ME out of the blue. so we exchanged emails again, told each other what we had been up to, and decided to get together when she was home for christmas break. and we did just that, last night.

it was fun. we got along great. imaginge, we hadn't seen each other in over 5 years! i didn't even recognize her voice at first. we did some reminiscing, and also some storytelling. i got to hear about her boyfriends, what happened, her trip to india, etc. we looked through photo albums, talked about the people we remembered, and just generally had a good time. we talked for about 3 hours, it was crazy.

she wants to get together again before the end of the year, with the boyfriends this time (she met david, but he kinda just stayed in our room).

i'm really glad we did that, and i'm looking forward to whatever might be to come.

and i may have more jeannine news tonight -- she stopped by my work to fax something, said she saw aaron (aka jesus) last night and it went GOOD, which was not expected. more info to come.

back to work i go.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
