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100 things

the grossest thing ever
12/21/02 ~ 4:18 p.m.

i am so disgusted right now. i'm banished to the room cuz david is wrapping presents in the living room. which gives me the freedom to talk about how i feel like PUKING.

ted is SLEEPING with samantha!!

yes, that's right, the ex before me. this just makes me so mad and makes me want to barf all at the same time.

i'm like, mad that he's getting some, mad that he went back to her after me (can we say "step down??"), disgusted that he'd use her for sex, disgusted she'd go for it, just plain GROSSED OUT. my opinion of ted has just dropped in the gutter.

funny thing is, it made david happy to hear that. (read previous post... he is not excited about seeing him). hearing that my opinion of ted has lowered makes him even less uncomforatable about the whole thing. so we are going over to mike and sam's house tonight and are having dinner and playing trivial pursuit.

ugh, they just called me. i almost wanted to end the conversation with, "and make sure you're wearing clothes when we get there..." GROSS.

oh well, if she wants ted's mediocre lovin', she can HAVE it. i have a MUCH better man.

and who knows if they're back together or just fucking. i mean, samantha has never really stopped loving him. but i don't think he loves her. david thinks they're both so ugly, they belong together.

seriously, i have to stop typing about this or i am going to vomit on my keyboard.


p.s. if there was ever a time to be friends with jenn, it's now. she'd LOVE to hear this. it would piss her off jsut as much.

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* check the cast page for details about this person!
