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100 things

xmas presents and back pain (ow)
12/24/02 ~ 1:08 p.m.

i'm very mad at diaryland. first, i wrote a whole entry, and i didn't write it in the outside program because of my computer's issues with copy/pasting. well, it lost it. so then i wrote a "fuck it all to hell" entry. and it's still not connecting and i'm pissed. so this is the third entry, and i've made sure the copy/paste thing is working so that if i re-type it all again, i won't lose it!

ok, so first i was bitching about my back. it HURTS really bad. apparantly, my desk setup at work is not ergonimcally correct, but it never borhterd me until i worked the 40 hours last week. topped with PMS, which doesn't usually get to me that badly, i was pretty bitchy last night. even though i was making a concious effort not too, all i wanted to do was curl up in a ball with a heating pad on my back and cry for no reason. david was good to me, even though i didn't deserve it and i was wearing him out emotionally. he got me ice for my back and massaged it and such. it still hurts today at work, even with the IB profin, a pillow behind me, and the newly re-arranged desk. i want to go home.

i also talked abou thow jeannine rocks. we exchanged presents last night, and she did so good. somehow she found SHOELACES with GONZO on them!! yes! and i also got a fuzzy pez dispenser. she got david socks, cuz that's what he said he wanted, and also wrapped up coal cuz he's such a scrooge. and she got a present for both of us -- an asian cookbook! i laughed, and looked though it and i am so excited to try out all of the recipes. yay, i'm so asian. we got her the movie from hell, which is not so exciting, but she did like it.

then i mentioned how i am looking forward to my romantic dinner with david tonight and having our first christmas together. i can't wait to give him his presents, and see what he got me. i know his presents will be the best ones i get this year, and every year from now on. my boss gav eme a nice bottle of wine, so we can have that with our dinner tonight. (he also gave me see's candy! doesn't he know i'm on a diet?!?!? but it was still nice... and i already ate some. bad, bad.)

and then i moaned some more about my aching back, made a pretty merry christmas thing with red and green font that i'm too lazy to do again, and bid you all lots of love. ok, for the third time, done.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
