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100 things

doing good
09/03/02 ~ 10:08 a.m.

the midterm i just took went well. i like that. the big essay question was on the only child policy in china, and i wrote a paper on that recently in my other class, so i was on fire. yay.

i am worried about my baby today, he is depressed about his whole manger/living at the co-op thing. it gives him too much hassle and i hope he decides to at least quit the manager thing, if not also try to find another place to live. i want him to be happy! =)

last night at the fair was fun stuff. krystal and steven are fun, and get along good with us. there were far too many people there, though. the lines for everything were way too long. we didnt use up our 10 rides for $10 that we bought. sigh. but we did have fun on the rides we went on, except when i saw a little boy puke. i hid, but not before the image was etched on my brain. i have such a problem.

wanna hear an accomplishent? i ate NO FAIR FOOD!! yes, i was starving by the end, and i was only going to have a gyro if i got food, but wow. i had a subway sandwich and air-popped popcorn before, and (bad) chicken strips from burger king. but it was midnight and we were starving and david said it was ok. and even after eating all that, i've lost 2 pounds. just a little start, but i'm excited. i know i can do this and i'm proud of myself already.

thank you david, for helping me do this. it means the world to me. as do you.

so fun stuff, jeffy is going to crash in my living room for a few days/weeks. he has a transition period of no place to live before his fabulous new house is ready. this makes me happy cuz i'll get to catch up with him and see him more. sometimes i just miss him a lot!

jeannine is home from new mexico! she was gone for a week and the house was tooooo empty. and she came home and cleaned, the little buggar. it wasn't even messy, just a few random dishes, but she even vacuumed again. heh. and she brought a cute litte dish and mat for jasmine's food. yay.

really, that's all that's going on in my life. school, work, a little socializing, food obsessing, and too little sleep. that's me. =)


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* check the cast page for details about this person!
