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100 things

blah, blah...
03/19/01 ~ 02:04 p.m.

hmm, what have i been up to? i had a nice lazy weekend. i am making a scrapbook for astrid for her birthday (which is in june) with a page dedicated to every month since we've been friends. i actually have at least 2 pictures from every month i've known her, except feb 2001. so i worked on that, got it up to date. i hung out with brooke on friday night, carly on saturday and a little of sunday. saturday i drove to davis and met up with Xeno, Mr. Potential Roommate. things are looking good, right now i'd place them at a definitely- maybe. we'd be cool roommates cuz we're both easygoing, have the same views and wants for our place, and his current roommate is moving out. that's the definite part. the maybe part is.. he has a semi-new girlfriend that he needs to discuss where their relationship is going in terms of seriousness, and to see if he should really sign a year lease with me. so... i'll know by the end of the month, which is when he has to renew the lease. sunday i talked to ned on the phone about nothing for like 2 hours. then i called his sister to set up the car rental thing when i'm in GA. i can't rent a car, being only 20. so she's working on that. this morning i had the first part, multiple choice, of my midterm. it took me about 20 minutes, so i got to work an hour early! i like an hour extra pay. funny how i'm taking midterms while davis is on finals. silly quarter-semester thing. and the sad thing is, at the end of these finals, my dear amy is graduating and moving back to livermore =( farther away from me. this sucks a big phatty. but i guess when i move to davis, she'll be only about 1 hr, give or take, away. at least astrid will still be around. and of course jeffy, who i'll have to hang out with more. and my crazy friend sandi who i rarely talk to.

my plans for this week are-- go back to swimming! i don't really want to, but i know my body needs the exercise. i have the second part of my midterm wednesday, and i get to answer question #5 at home and bring it in, so i need to do that. so, basically, my boring routine again. yippee!


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
