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100 things

lucky? or not so?
03/14/01 ~ 11:11 pm

don't miss the entry i put up right before this: entry 55. ok, now on to this entry--

i can't tell if this was luck or not.

on my way home from work, i totally rear ended someone. (it is a previously established fact that i am a sucky driver.) so i'm thinking, fuck me, and i pull over. i get out, and wait. and wait. the person *i* hit bailed on me! i guess they didn't have insurance or something. so, i guess i should be all like, yay, no big charges for me. AND my car was fine. just a few scratches in the bumper. but then carly warned me that they could have gotten my licence plate and may try to sue and say that i did a hit and run. that could get me in a shitload of trouble. so i left a message with my insurance company about what happened, and that the other person left on me. so now i hope i have my bases covered.

i am such an idiot.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
