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100 things

i did it! (BIG big breath...)
03/14/01 ~ 10:46 pm

so... i can breathe easy again. sort of. i managed to blurt it out to my mom tonight. here's how it went:

me: my tax return went into the bank!
mom: good! finally.
me: i know. most of it will go to my credit cards, but part of it is for my plane ticket.
mom: plane ticket?
me: yeah, i told you this. [astrid] and [bleh] and i are going out to visit [ned].
mom: oh, ok.
me: well, actually, we've been keeping it a secret for a while now, but [ned] and i are seeing each other.
mom: oh (kinda surprised, sorta disinterested)
me: yeah, we kept it from our friends and had to hide it from [samantha], his ex-girlfriend, and so we kinda hid it from everyone. i know it's kinda silly. plus we didn't know how serious it was, but now we've decided we're a couple.
mom: cool. so everyone knows now?
me: yeah. (pause.... pause) i thought you'd be more surprised.
mom: well, you were always together.
me: yeah, see why i wanted him to come to thanksgiving?
mom:yeah, i guess. (pause) i guess i'm just not worried cuz he's so far away.
me: worried? what for?
mom: that it will get serious. he lives too far.
me: yeah, i guess. i mean, i *do* go to davis soon, and who knows what will happen then?
mom: yeah.
me: but i'm excited to go to georgia! plus i get to meet my pen pal!
mom: yeah, she's gonna come up and visit?
me: yeah. well, you know, we're a good match. he's an engineer, so we talk about computer stuff a lot.
mom: that's cool.
me: we keep in touch pretty well. i guess you'll see that on your phone bill.
mom: i WILL?
me: yeah. don't worry, i'll pay. his phone card ran out a little bit ago.
mom: ok.
me: but we usually just talk online.
mom: speaking of that, have we gotten our internet bill yet? go check your email.

and that was that. next step? convincing her to let him stay here when he visits. this will be HARD.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
