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i'm such a heartbreaker!
05/26/02 ~ 3:26 a.m.

it's 3 am, do you know where your kids are? well, my mom needn't worry... i'm playing neopets. sigh.

but i haven't been doing it for long. brookie came over, with robert and his roomie eric, and we went to the G street pub, then to woodstocks. then we walked out to the old boy scout cabin and danced around in the moonlight. then we came home and played the friends game. they left not long ago.

i think brooke and robert may have it in their minds that i will hook up with eric. i will say a big phatty NO to that one, although i was my charming self so i could see why he would fall for me. hee.

anyways, tomorrow i am hanging out with bree, but before that, samantha is stopping by to pick up a UCD catalog i got for her. blech.

so methinks it is time to sleep. zzzzzz.

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* check the cast page for details about this person!
