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100 things

... i was all by myself
05/25/02 ~ 6:02 p.m.

there seems to be an epidemic going around. it's called "let's not call holly to hang out, or even let her know what's going on."

see, krystal was supposed to call me last night to let me know what we were doing today. it's been a planned day for awhile. here it is, 6pm, no call. so i call her cell phone - off. i call her house - not home. i can tiff's cell phone - off. i call steven's house -- i get adam. he doesn't know what going on, but thinks that krystal and steven are spending time together, just the two of them. that's fine, i'm not mad they're not haning out with me, but shouldn't they at least call me?? geez.

then there's jenny - if i didn't know better, i'd think she was in the hospital! she hasn't called since wed. i got an email on thursday that was kinda mad, but i sent back a very nice one and i haven't heard since. i've even left 2 messages. i mean, she may very well just be busy, but a call to let me know that would be appreciated.

i'm not mad at either of them, just feeling a little ignored, ya know?

well, mike is gonna hang out with me tonight, at least. we'll watch a movie, or maybe the taped dawson's, and maybe get some thai food. yay. but now i need to go feed jenn's cats and give one of them his medication. hasta, pastas!


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* check the cast page for details about this person!
