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100 things

random things
04/22/05 ~ 11:53 a.m.

1. i'm wearing a cute outfit! new white skirt, pretty blue top, and my boss already complimented me on the outfit AND necklace... which is, of course, a sammi original. pictures will likely follow.

2. at 12:15, najine (my 'mentor' nutritionist) is taking me AND my boss to lunch because she was thrilled to find out we knew each other. and we're having sushi! but i know i'll be all self concious about what i eat because a nutritionist is with me. heh.

3. i have gotten little done today. and i blame it all on spring fever.

4. you guys think my hair is RED??? or strawberry blonde??? i so don't think it's that red. weird.

5. it's earth day:

what color is my hair?
04/22/05 ~ 10:13 a.m.

hey, over in my livejournal, i'm playing a game called "guess holly's hair color!"

there are pictures! and a poll.... so come vote!

the entry: click here!

right now, the winning color is not what i'd expect. it's crazy!

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
