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100 things

long day
04/10/05 ~ 8:21 p.m.

wow, i spent 10-6 at brooke's house! and an hour driving each way, too. wow. we poured over bridal party books, shopped at target, old navy, and kohls (i got one work shirt, one skirt, adn some new undies... i was expecting to buy more, but that's what i found), lunched at applebee's, then returned to her house to browse hawaii wedding sites online until her computer could no longer sustain the internet. i didn't get to see all she wanted to show me, but most of it. it was a fun day.

when i got home, i did a workout video. i hadn't done one of those in a while, but it was getting dark outside and the YMCA closes early on sundays, so i'd kinda missed my opportunity for a run. i'm proud that i didn't just skip it altogether.

david's over at his friend's house, they're roleplaying this evening. sucks that he left about an hour before i got home. at least we had good quality time yesterday. hopefully he won't be home TOO late, either.

i don't plan on staying on the computer super long, i'm just going to catch up on a few things, then curl up in bed with a few issues of people and us magazines, which i've fallen behind on. gotta keep up on my gossip!

is tomorrow monday already?


2004: no entry
2003: Eventually, he calmed down, I calmed down, and we held each other. There is still some talking to be done about it, and my stomach gets sour just thinking about it. Proving to everyone, including me, that we can't be perfect all the time, you know?
2002: so i sit in class, pondering other options within the male species. and no matter who i came up with, i don't want to get to know them like i do with adam. i don't break into smiles like when i see him. i don't wonder what they're thinking.
2001:my pen pal is the COOLEST. we are so alike and got along totally well. i can't wait to see her again.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
