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100 things

regarding april fool's...
04/01/05 ~ 10:57 a.m.

you know, i'm lame. i couldn't even think of one good joke to pull. my only ideas are morbid, like pretending someone died or something, and that's not funny. so yeah. no fun stuff from me. maybe next year i'll think up something good.

and i'm going to try really hard not to be fooled by all of your trickery, too!


2004: i am dreading telling my boss today that sometime in the future i will need surgery. i'm still in the "proving i'm a responsible and dependable employee" phase.
2003: i AM an april fool!
2002: seems travers' friend jimmy was mad i wasn't at the cantina with everyone, so he made me that little present -- a fork flipping me off. nice.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
