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100 things

now silverware is flipping me off
03/01/02 ~ 6:11 p.m.

i just came home to the strangest thing:

a fork laying on my bed, with all prongs but one folded down.

at first i freaked out a little. i didn't think anyone was home (heather and travers were at the cantina) so i was like "who came here and broke in???" so i went to go check in heather's room if something was in there, too. ha ha. i'm such a dork. heather and travers were in there, and they had put it on my bed.

seems travers' friend jimmy was mad i wasn't at the cantina with everyone, so he made me that little present -- a fork flipping me off. nice.

i was at class, plus adam wasn't there, so i had no BIG incentive to go. hee. actually, i love hanging out with travers' friends. i wish i could have been there. it was a b-day thing for ken. plus they're going out with ken again tonight, which i am skipping in favor of jenny's party. but i just made ken the weirdest card EVER with printmaster. i'm such a nut. it's got all these cracked-out cartoon animals all over it, saying weird stuff like "hubba hubba" and there's a swordfish hitting on a hot girl fish, and the ladybug is scolding them cuz they're not talking about ken. this drunk looking bug says "i think ken's swell. *hic*" and the turkey and the caterpillar are smoking out in the corner. on the front of the card, an egg with legs (like on garfield & friends) is asking for alcohol. and this chick is talking about how hot ken is. and on the back there's a wasp heading straight for a foamy beer and saying "mmmm.... beer" and a cat sitting in a popcorn box is informing him that i, holly, made this cracked-out card.

ok, that was amusing. now i must go crimp my hair. the crimping iron is hot.

dude, this party tonight is going to be RADICAL, dude.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
