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100 things

02/21/05 ~ 4:27 p.m.

oooooooooooh yeah! i'm done with my paper. yay for me!

now i can enjoy dinner with david, justin b., bev, sabrina, and tony without stressing about coming home to finish.

you know, i remember being really happy when i was done with school that i didn't have to do homework and papers. i stick by that feeling, it's just that i recognize that it's what i have to do if i want to advance myself in life. so it goes. and it sucks.

on the agenda before dinner: resize and post passion party pictures, watch the oc while folding laundry, and put the non-refridgerated groceries away that i left out earlier. ;)

alrighty, pictures to be up very shortly!

yo yo
02/21/05 ~ 8:11 a.m.


i am here, but not for long. i have that paper to finish, a nutritionist appt at 10, grocery shopping to do, etc.

i have uploaded the passion party pictures but my computer is being a fucktard possibly because i was trying to import cds on ituns while resizing photos. le sigh. so now it's restarting and i'm being resourceful and using david's computer.

i will try to have them up tonight. and also, i'll have a new icon made from one of them.

i realized this morning that i forgot to re-take photos of brooke's ring! hello! too many margaritas, methinks.

anyways, i had fun and i will go into more detail later when i use the pictures. cheers.


2004: we're not always perfect, but we have a very strong bond and don't let things get us down for long.
2003: i guess all i can say now is, i am going to enjoy turning assholes like that down when they hit on me.
2002: and if that weren't enough bitchy stuff, he has the nerve to say that it's my mom's fault all of this happened because she was the one who divorced him. when he wasn't coming home every night cuz he was drunk, he got stuck in jail, and he was CHEATING on her. i said, "dad, you had a girlfriend. wouldn't you have divorced her too?" and he said "well, she was the one who filed the papers."
2001: friday i went to a shop called kiss and tell. i'd never been there. people there are very nice and very open about sexual things. i was a lot less uncomfortable than i expected to be.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
