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100 things

i'm a library loser
01/20/05 ~ 2:14 p.m.

is it sad that i spend most of my lunchtimes at the public library, just so i can use the internet and access my email? in my defense, i don't really have anything else to do at lunchtime - i can't go home, a lot of times i eat at my desk, and i can't really go out and spend money every day, so it's a more effective use of my time. i pretty much just email back and forth with brooke, since she can't use the internet at work, but she has office email, and i can't email at work. we text message sometimes, but you can only say so much, and plus, the darn things cost .10 each. blah. so yeah, when i'm at the library, i don't waste my time on this site, cuz i can do that at work. ;)

today i sent some other fun emails, and found out that my cool mentor nutritionist, najine, is totally friends with my new nutrition teacher! awesome. i am so getting an A. plus tons of free nutrition advice for my own diet (before i learn it all myself, naturally. i won't have a degree for 4 years.) najine tried to offer me a chance at another full time job at the OB clinic, front desk, but i turned her down for now because this job has stability now, plus better pay, bonuses, and a possibilty of tuition reimbursement.

i get to leave at 4 today because i have my last knee check up with the surgeon. so i can bitch at him about how it's been hurting more NOW than a month ago. bitchy knee.

and.... i'm out.


2003: and that, my friends, is why i am not hanging out with anyone but my computer, textbooks, and paper today.
2002: then we layed in bed and watched ricki lake cuz we were still so sick.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
