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100 things

i guess this is growing up
01/19/05 ~ 2:35 p.m.

so i'm thinking today, and i realize, hmm. i'm 24. i know two married couples in their 20's, and i know three more that are engaged. and after work today, i'm heading off to buy a present for a BABY SHOWER. when did this all happen? marriage, babies? yikes! am i a grown up?

my paper topic decided
01/19/05 ~ 11:25 a.m.

first off, thank you all for your very helpful ideas on my sociology paper topic. my class was last night, and we turned in all of our sheets. she decided to read some out loud, and randomly chose mine first. eep. i had written "obesity in america: how fast food and marketing contributes to the crisis" and had also written, "i think this might be too general." so she of course, brought up super size me, which yes, i've seen, and no, i wasn't going to totally rip off. (though looking at it now, it would be hard not to parellel or use the same results he found for his documentary.) she did say she thought it was too broad of a topic, and suggested some other issues, like maybe the gastric bypass surgery and what motivates people to get that procedure. i thought about that, and it is interesting to me, but i noticed some small print on the paper's requirements that said: "...and how it relates to your life." well, since i never considered it for myself, and i don't know anyone personally who went through it (well, my cousin's wife did but i don't really know her), i don't think i could base a paper around that.


so i talked with the teacher later about more of my ideas, and i narrowed it down to: "how the american lifestyle doesn't provide for enough exercise" angle. i can hit upon how americans were workers in the old days, about how we don't walk anywhere anymore, about how with 40 hours a week and school and kids and all that we don't mamage to go to the gym, blah blah blah. plus i can compare it to let's say, france, where people walk everywhere and are less fat on average than americans. so yeah. hope this ends up being a good paper.

and secondly, i am glad my boss isn't here right now because she's being very grouchy today. i asked her if she was excited that she's getting her braces off today, and she replied with, "no, i'm more worried about the fact that i haven't made enough money yet this month." yikes.


2003: don't you hate it when people send you a link in the IM, and you click it, and it doesn't open a new window, so your entry gets sucked into oblivion?

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
