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100 things

to do list
01/20/03 ~ 2:51 p.m.

**just added 2 pages of pictures: new years and family **

what i am doing today:

1. essay for my shakespeare class. topic: analyze act 1 scene 1 in comedy of errors as a frame story. show the themes it initiiates that become important in the main play. length: 500 words. due: wed.

2. essay for my advanced comp class. topic: make an explicit argument for the connection between a specific historical event and your own identity. (i am going to use steve jobs and steve wozniak's research on computers as my event.) length: 1000 words. due: wed.

as of 3:40 p.m. i have this done:

On an autumn afternoon in 1976, two college dropouts sat in a muggy garage in Santa Clara, California. They were both electronics hobbyists, bored by school but obsessed with electronics. They had met through mutual friends, and belonged to an organization called �The Homebrew Computer Club.� Recently, a personal computer kit called the Altair had been released on the market, but these two kids couldn�t afford one. They decided that instead of trying to save money, they would simply create their own. They had spent their time together that summer planning, designing, wiring, and working hard, and it all came down to that specific afternoon. That was the day that Steve Jobs and Stephen Wozniak invented the Apple I, the machine that has had the most impact on shaping my identity.

3. written homework for my AI class. length: 10 problems. due: tomorrow.

4. programming for my opereating systems class. length: 5 programs (eek!) due: next monday.

5. written homework for my statistics class. length: 10 problems (pretty easy though). due: friday.

and that, my friends, is why i am not hanging out with anyone but my computer, textbooks, and paper today. ugh.


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* check the cast page for details about this person!
