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100 things

i am easily amused
01/14/05 ~ 3:49 p.m.

heee hee. uti medicine makes your pee orange. such an odd sight.

hello, afternoon sleepiness. i can't go home yet, i still have to work for 1 hour and 10 minutes.

also, i am eating cheesecake and it is good.

this could be tmi...
01/14/05 ~ 9:44 a.m.

i started off the morning in a rather uncomfortable way. after going to the bathroom for the umpteenth time, i realized i have a uti. so i left early on my way to work in order to grab some medicine and some cranberry juice. i also bought some yogurt for breakfast, but i didn't have a spoon in the car, so i had to wait until getting to work to eat. but i took the medicine, ignoring the "with food" part of the instructions. by the time i arrived at work, i felt like i was going to puke or pass out, or possibly both. my heart was racing. i ran inside, cut off a hunk of pumpkin bread we have in the fridge, and ate it. well, forced it down while trying not to puke is more like it. but now, 30 minutes later, i feel pretty much back to normal. whew. so, yeah... never ignoring the "with food" part of the directions again! i could have just bought some nutrigrain bars while i was at the grocery store! i am so lame.

i get monday off for martin luther king jr.'s birthday. i feel slightly bad that it's not a holiday i'm really passionate about, but i'm totally stoked for a three day weekend. i have all these cleaning and organizing plans for monday, too. we'll see if i actually follow though on those. ;)

i'm excited about my yoga class tonight! excited about exercise? weird. anyways, it's an active yoga class, so it gets your heart rate up while still building strength and (the best part) stretching out every muscle in your body. feels great!

then later tonight, david and i have a "date" to watch my last netflix movie: bonnie and clyde. he's always joked that we're bonnie and clyde cuz we're such a good team. and i have ideas about this year's halloween costume.... heh. so yeah, that should be a good time.

happy friday everyone!


2004: so here are pictures of my eyebrows. before, when i couldn't handle the burlyness. and after my oh-so-happy wax today.
2003: just gotta make sure i don't fall in any holes.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
