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100 things

heather's scariness
09/07/01 ~ 4:59 p.m.

so, i got home from getting my car back. with 4 new tires, it drives very nicely. when i walked in the door, i looked for a note or something that heather would have left me. her and travers were supposed to leave on a 3 week road trip today, and she wouldn't have left without an "i'll miss you" type thing. i didn't see any.

i walked into her room and her closet light was on. i turned it off and noticed the bags she had packed were still here. i wondered where they were.

i walked in my room and listened to my answering machine. there was a message from travers.

"holly, hi, it's travers. we're at the hospital. heather fainted or something and they're doing a bunch of tests on her. we should be home soon. i didn't want you to worry because there's blood in the bathroom and on her bed. see you soon."

so i walk into her bathroom, and i swear to god. if hadn't heard that message first, i would have thought she had been murdered in her bathroom. there was blood all over the floor, and a little on her bed. it was a freaky sight.

i tried to call the cell phone, but it was off. so i waited for an hour and called again and they were on their way home. her lip is all puffy and bloody and her nose is big, as if she got punched in the face. she must have fallen flat on her face. the three of us sat down and tried to piece the story together.

i left the house at 7:15. she set her alarm for 8:30. she remembers getting up, getting in the shower, and shaving. she doesn't remember getting out of the shower. travers called at 9, no answer. he showed up to pick her up at 9:30 for their road trip. she answered the door crying, saying "i don't know what happened, i don't remember, i dont know what day it is". she was wearing pajamas, not the same ones she was wearing to bed last night. her hair was still wet. he couldn't see the bloody side of her face until they got into her room. he helped her clean it off and went into the bathroom and saw all the blood. he called the school's health center and they wanted her SSN and she didn't know it. they advised he take her to the hospital cuz they'd want to do a cat scan.

he dressed her and took her to the hospital. she remembers him putting socks on her and getting into the car. her memory came back after that, what day it was, etc. but not what happened.

so thats that, nothing is wrong with her. the road trip is postponed though.

i was worried =(


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
